
Barranca del Muerto 520, Los Alpes, Álvaro Obregón, C.P.01010, Ciudad de México, México


(+52) 55 9171 9570

Revista Virtual Individual

Autores: Diana Romero Mayorga, Carolina Gómez, Pablo José Coronel, Jaime Mariño, José Ignacio Zapata

Antecedentes: El mal alineamiento patelofemoral es una patología frecuente en jóvenes. Con un diagnóstico temprano se puede hacer una intervención oportuna, por lo que la distancia entre el surco intertroclear y la tuberosidad anterior tibial (SIT-TAT) es fundamental para indicar qué pacientes necesitan cirugía. Actualmente, la tomografía axial de rótulas se toma con cortes a 0, 20 y 45 grados de flexión; aunque en la literatura no existe suficiente información que especifique y justifique los grados de flexión que se deben usar. Objetivo: Establecer si existe concordancia entre las medidas de SIT-TAT realizadas a 20 y 0 grados de flexión. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de concordancia, incluyendo 90 pacientes para un total de 180 rodillas. A estas imágenes se les realizó la medida SIT-TAT interponiendo cortes a 0 grados y a 20 grados, para evaluar si existe concordancia entre estas dos medidas. Resultados: Se observó una concordancia de 0,909, casi perfecta, entre la medición a 0 y 20 grados de flexión en el lado izquierdo y una concordancia de 0,8872, casi perfecta, entre la medición a 0 y 20 grados de flexión en el lado derecho de las imágenes evaluadas. Conclusiones: Se encontró una concordancia casi perfecta entre las medidas de SIT-TAT realizadas a 0 y 20 grados de flexión, lo que quiere decir que no hay diferencia en la toma de la medida a estos grados. Los autores proponen que los protocolos de TAC de rótulas se tomen a 20 grados, soportados por la biomecánica de la rodilla, debido a que la estabilidad de la flexión a 20 grados se basa principalmente en la restricción ósea, así como también por la disminución en la dosis de radiación. Se sugieren futuras investigaciones con protocolos estandarizados a 20 grados de flexión.


Background: Patellofemoral malalignment is a frequent pathology in young people. With an early diagnosis, a timely intervention can be made, so the distance between the intertrochlear groove and the anterior tibial tuberosity (ICG-ATT) is essential to indicate which patients need surgery. Currently patellar axial tomography is taken with cuts at 0, 20 and 45 degrees of flexion, although there is not enough information in the literature that specifies and justifies which degrees of flexion should be used, the purpose of the study is to establish the protocol for patellar axial tomography. Objective: To establish whether there is agreement between the ICG-ATT measurement performed at 20 and 0 degrees of flexion. Methods: A concordance study was carried out, 90 patients were taken for a total of 180 knees, and ICG-ATT measurement performed on these images, interposing cuts at 0 degrees and 20 degrees of flexion, to evaluate if there is agreement between the two measurements. Results: There is an almost perfect agreement of 0.909 between the measurement at 0 and 20 degrees of flexion on the left side and an almost perfect agreement of 0.8872 between the measurement at 0 and 20 degrees of flexion on the right side of the images. evaluated. Conclusions: Near perfect agreement was found between the ICG-ATT measurement performed at 0 and 20 degrees of flexion, meaning that there is no difference in taking the measurement at these degrees. We propose that patellar CT protocols should be taken at 20 degrees, supported by the biomechanics of the knee, because the stability of flexion at 20 degrees is based primarily on bone restriction as well as decreased radiation dose. We suggest future research with standardized protocols at 20 degrees of flexion.


Background: Patellofemoral malalignment is a frequent pathology in young people. With an early diagnosis, a timely intervention can be made, so the distance between the intertrochlear groove and the anterior tibial tuberosity (ICG-ATT) is essential to indicate which patients need surgery. Currently patellar axial tomography is taken with cuts at 0, 20 and 45 degrees of flexion, although there is not enough information in the literature that specifies and justifies which degrees of flexion should be used, the purpose of the study is to establish the protocol for patellar axial tomography. Objective: To establish whether there is agreement between the ICG-ATT measurement performed at 20 and 0 degrees of flexion. Methods: A concordance study was carried out, 90 patients were taken for a total of 180 knees, and ICG-ATT measurement performed on these images, interposing cuts at 0 degrees and 20 degrees of flexion, to evaluate if there is agreement between the two measurements. Results: There is an almost perfect agreement of 0.909 between the measurement at 0 and 20 degrees of flexion on the left side and an almost perfect agreement of 0.8872 between the measurement at 0 and 20 degrees of flexion on the right side of the images. evaluated. Conclusions: Near perfect agreement was found between the ICG-ATT measurement performed at 0 and 20 degrees of flexion, meaning that there is no difference in taking the measurement at these degrees. We propose that patellar CT protocols should be taken at 20 degrees, supported by the biomechanics of the knee, because the stability of flexion at 20 degrees is based primarily on bone restriction as well as decreased radiation dose. We suggest future research with standardized protocols at 20 degrees of flexion.