
Barranca del Muerto 520, Los Alpes, Álvaro Obregón, C.P.01010, Ciudad de México, México


(+52) 55 9171 9570

Revista Virtual Individual

Autores: A. Morales Santos, J.L. del Cura Rodríguez y N. Antúnez Larrañaga

La telerradiología es la trasmisión electrónica de imágenes radiológicas de una localización a otra con el propósito principal de interpretar o consultar un diagnóstico y debe estar sujeta a códigos de conducta consensuados por sociedades profesionales. Se analiza el contenido de 14 guías de buenas prácticas de telerradiología. Sus principios rectores son: el mejor interés y beneficio del paciente, estándares de calidad y seguridad homologables al servicio de radiología local, y utilización como complemento y apoyo del mismo. Como obligaciones legales: garantizar los derechos aplicando el principio de país de origen del paciente, establecer requisitos en telerradiología internacional y seguro de responsabilidad civil. Con respecto al proceso radiológico: integración con el proceso del servicio local, garantizar la calidad de imágenes e informes, el acceso a los estudios e informes previos y cumplir los principios de radioprotección. En relación con los requisitos profesionales: cumplir con los registros, licencias y cualificaciones exigidas, formación y capacitación del radiólogo y técnico, prevención de prácticas fraudulentas, respeto a las normas laborales y remuneración del radiólogo. La subcontratación debe estar justificada, gestionando el riesgo de comoditización. Cumplimiento de estándares técnicos del sistema.


Teleradiology is the electronic transmission of radiological images from one location to another with the main purpose of interpreting or consulting a diagnosis and must be subject to codes of conduct agreed upon by professional societies. The content of fourteen teleradiology best practice guidelines is analyzed. Their guiding principles are: the best interest and benefit of the patient, quality and safety standards homologous to the local radiology service, and use as a complement and support of the same. As legal obligations: guaranteeing rights by applying the principle of the patient’s country of origin, establishing requirements in international teleradiology and civil liability insurance. Regarding the radiological process: integration with the local service process, guaranteeing the quality of images and reports, access to previous studies and reports and complying with the principles of radioprotection. Regarding professional requirements: compliance with the required registrations, licenses and qualifications, training and qualification of the radiologist and technician, prevention of fraudulent practices, respect for labor standards and remuneration of the radiologist. Subcontracting must be justified, managing the risk of commoditization. Compliance with the system’s technical standards.


Teleradiology is the electronic transmission of radiological images from one location to another with the main purpose of interpreting or consulting a diagnosis and must be subject to codes of conduct agreed upon by professional societies. The content of fourteen teleradiology best practice guidelines is analyzed. Their guiding principles are: the best interest and benefit of the patient, quality and safety standards homologous to the local radiology service, and use as a complement and support of the same. As legal obligations: guaranteeing rights by applying the principle of the patient’s country of origin, establishing requirements in international teleradiology and civil liability insurance. Regarding the radiological process: integration with the local service process, guaranteeing the quality of images and reports, access to previous studies and reports and complying with the principles of radioprotection. Regarding professional requirements: compliance with the required registrations, licenses and qualifications, training and qualification of the radiologist and technician, prevention of fraudulent practices, respect for labor standards and remuneration of the radiologist. Subcontracting must be justified, managing the risk of commoditization. Compliance with the system’s technical standards.