
Barranca del Muerto 520, Los Alpes, Álvaro Obregón, C.P.01010, Ciudad de México, México


(+52) 55 9171 9570

Revista Virtual Individual

Autores: Marcelo Castro, Javiera Cornejo, Mauricio Acuña, Laura Naim, José Vía Dorado, Lía Rodríguez, Sebastián Aguirre, David Herquiñigo

Objetivo: Determinar os padrões de ramificação da artéria mesentérica inferior (AMI) e descrever a aplicabilidade clínica da angiografia por tomografia computadorizada na avaliação desses vasos na elaboração das estratégias pré-operatórias de cirurgia de câncer colorretal. Materiais e Métodos: Foram incluídos 100 pacientes submetidos a angiografia por tomografia computadorizada abdominal e pélvica. Os padrões de ramificação da AMI foram examinados e classificados como tipo 1 (bifurcado), incluindo 1A (artérias sigmoide e cólica esquerda originando-se de um tronco comum), 1B (artérias sigmoide e retal superior originando-se de um tronco comum) e 1C (artérias sigmoide originando-se de ambos os troncos); tipo 2 (trifurcado); e tipo 3 (sem ramo cólico esquerdo). Resultados: Do total de participantes incluídos no estudo, a variante do tipo 1A foi observada em 9%, a do tipo 1B em 47%, e a do tipo 1C em 24%. Com relação à variante tipo 2, esta foi observada em 16% dos pacientes, e a do tipo 3, em 4% dos casos. Conclusão O uso da angiografia por tomografia computadorizada pré-operatória para avaliar o padrão de ramificação da AMI pode ajudar a escolher a abordagem cirúrgica no câncer colorretal.


Objective: To determine the branching patterns of the inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) and to describe the clinical applicability of computed tomography (CT) angiography in the evaluation of these vessels to facilitate the planning of colorectal cancer surgery. Materials and Methods: We included 100 patients who underwent CT angiography of the abdomen and pelvis. The branching patterns of the IMA were examined and classified as type 1 (bifurcated), including 1A (sigmoid and left colic arteries arising from a common trunk), 1B (sigmoid and superior rectal arteries arising from a common trunk) and 1C (sigmoid arteries arising from both trunks); type 2 (trifurcated); and type 3 (no left colic branch). Results: Among the 100 patients evaluated, we found the variant to be type 1A in 9%, type 1B in 47%, type 1C in 24%, type 2 in 16%, and type 3 in 4%. Conclusion: Preoperative CT angiography for evaluating the IMA branching pattern could inform decisions regarding the surgical approach to colorectal cancer.


Objective: To determine the branching patterns of the inferior mesenteric artery (IMA) and to describe the clinical applicability of computed tomography (CT) angiography in the evaluation of these vessels to facilitate the planning of colorectal cancer surgery. Materials and Methods: We included 100 patients who underwent CT angiography of the abdomen and pelvis. The branching patterns of the IMA were examined and classified as type 1 (bifurcated), including 1A (sigmoid and left colic arteries arising from a common trunk), 1B (sigmoid and superior rectal arteries arising from a common trunk) and 1C (sigmoid arteries arising from both trunks); type 2 (trifurcated); and type 3 (no left colic branch). Results: Among the 100 patients evaluated, we found the variant to be type 1A in 9%, type 1B in 47%, type 1C in 24%, type 2 in 16%, and type 3 in 4%. Conclusion: Preoperative CT angiography for evaluating the IMA branching pattern could inform decisions regarding the surgical approach to colorectal cancer.