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Revista Virtual Individual

Autores: Estefanía Reyna, Valeria I. García-Ferroni, Ma. Eleonora Crignola, Diego L. Valenzuela, Gisela M. Sotelo, Andrea Bustos

La mamografía contrastada (CEDM, contrast-enhanced digital mammography) es una herramienta nueva que ha ido implementándose de forma creciente. Aparece como alternativa a la resonancia magnética (RM), y al igual que esta, tiene como principio el uso de contraste endovenoso para explorar la angiogénesis tumoral. Combina la imagen de mamografía convencional (Mx) con la técnica de sustracción con energía dual poscontraste, lo que resulta en un incremento en la detección de cáncer de mama, en un tiempo corto de estudio y a un bajo costo. Es un método prometedor en casos seleccionados y de fácil lectura, siendo útil principalmente en pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer de mama para detectar lesiones adicionales y determinar el tamaño tumoral, ayudando en la planificación quirúrgica, así como también en la evaluación de la respuesta a la neoadyuvancia. También en el seguimiento de pacientes operadas, para caracterizar lesiones dudosas en Mx y ecografía, o como alternativa ante contraindicación de la RM. El objetivo de este trabajo es valorar la utilidad de la mamografía contrastada en la práctica diaria y determinar sus principales indicaciones. Repasamos con casos propios las utilidades y características del método.


Contrast-enhanced digital mammography (CEDM) is an emerging tool that has been increasingly implemented. It appears as an alternative to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), using intravenous contrast to explore tumor angiogenesis. It combines conventional mammography (Mx) with post-contrast dual energy subtraction technique, resulting in increased detection of breast cancer, in a short study time and at a low cost. It is a promising method in selected cases and easy to read, being useful mainly in patients with breast cancer to detect additional lesions and determine the tumor size, that helps surgical planning, as well as in the evaluation of post-neoadjuvant chemotherapy response in the follow-up of patients treated with surgery, to address inconclusive findings in screening mammogram, or as an alternative when MRI is contraindicated. The purpose of this article is to assess the usefulness of contrasted mammography in daily practice and to determine its main indications. We review with our own cases the applications and characteristics of this method.


Contrast-enhanced digital mammography (CEDM) is an emerging tool that has been increasingly implemented. It appears as an alternative to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), using intravenous contrast to explore tumor angiogenesis. It combines conventional mammography (Mx) with post-contrast dual energy subtraction technique, resulting in increased detection of breast cancer, in a short study time and at a low cost. It is a promising method in selected cases and easy to read, being useful mainly in patients with breast cancer to detect additional lesions and determine the tumor size, that helps surgical planning, as well as in the evaluation of post-neoadjuvant chemotherapy response in the follow-up of patients treated with surgery, to address inconclusive findings in screening mammogram, or as an alternative when MRI is contraindicated. The purpose of this article is to assess the usefulness of contrasted mammography in daily practice and to determine its main indications. We review with our own cases the applications and characteristics of this method.