
Barranca del Muerto 520, Los Alpes, Álvaro Obregón, C.P.01010, Ciudad de México, México


(+52) 55 9171 9570

Revista Virtual Individual

Autores: Vanesa Oliva, María E. Orozco, Facundo A. Ferrari, Myriam L. Felipe 2, Esteban P. Dardanelli

Los nódulos tiroideos son poco frecuentes en pediatría, pero uno de cada cuatro de ellos es maligno. La ecografía es el método de elección en la detección de estos nódulos porque brinda información que permite, en muchos casos, determinar la probabilidad de malignidad. Las características a definir en un nódulo tiroideo son: composición, márgenes, ecogenicidad, calcificaciones, vascularización, dureza y la presencia de ganglios linfáticos cervicales patológicos. La composición comprende la apariencia quística, sólida o mixta (contiene al subtipo espongiforme). Los márgenes se describen como lisos, irregulares, mal definidos o lobulados. La ecogenicidad se define como hiperecoicos, hipoecoicos o isoecoicos en relación con el parénquima tiroideo adyacente. En los casos de nódulos heterogéneos se describe el patrón predominante. Dentro de las calcificaciones se describen las microcalcificaciones y macrocalcificaciones. La vascularización se clasifica como normal, aumentada central o periférica, y mixta al examen Doppler color. La elastografía mide la rigidez del nódulo evaluado en comparación con el tejido tiroideo adyacente. Por último, se debe evaluar la cadena ganglionar cervical en búsqueda de alteración de su ecoestructura. Es primordial el reconocimiento de las características de benignidad y malignidad de estas lesiones, ya que permitirá guiar al especialista para la toma de decisiones.

Palabras clave:
Nódulos tiroideos. Pediatría. Ecografía tiroidea. Tiroides pediátrica.


Thyroid nodules are rare in pediatrics, but up to one in four of them is malignant. Ultrasound is the method of choice in the detection of thyroid nodules because it provides information that allows to determine the probability of malignancy in many patients. The characteristics to be defined in a thyroid nodule are: composition, margins, echogenicity, calcifications, vascularization, stiffness and the presence of pathological cervical lymph nodes. Composition includes cystic, solid or mixed appearance (contains the spongiform subtype). Margins are described as smooth, irregular, ill-defined or lobulated. Echogenicity is defined as hyper-, hypo- or isoechoic to the adjacent thyroid parenchyma. Calcifications are described as microcalcifications and macrocalcifications. Vascularization is classified as normal, increased central or peripheral, and mixed on color Doppler. Elastography measures the stiffness of the evaluated nodule compared to the adjacent thyroid tissue. Finally, cervical lymph nodes should be evaluated for alterations in its echostructure. It is essential to recognize the benign and malignant characteristics of this type of lesions, as this will guide the specialist in making decisions.

Key words:
Thyroid nodule. Pediatrics. Thyroid. Ultrasound.


Thyroid nodules are rare in pediatrics, but up to one in four of them is malignant. Ultrasound is the method of choice in the detection of thyroid nodules because it provides information that allows to determine the probability of malignancy in many patients. The characteristics to be defined in a thyroid nodule are: composition, margins, echogenicity, calcifications, vascularization, stiffness and the presence of pathological cervical lymph nodes. Composition includes cystic, solid or mixed appearance (contains the spongiform subtype). Margins are described as smooth, irregular, ill-defined or lobulated. Echogenicity is defined as hyper-, hypo- or isoechoic to the adjacent thyroid parenchyma. Calcifications are described as microcalcifications and macrocalcifications. Vascularization is classified as normal, increased central or peripheral, and mixed on color Doppler. Elastography measures the stiffness of the evaluated nodule compared to the adjacent thyroid tissue. Finally, cervical lymph nodes should be evaluated for alterations in its echostructure. It is essential to recognize the benign and malignant characteristics of this type of lesions, as this will guide the specialist in making decisions.

Key words:
Thyroid nodule. Pediatrics. Thyroid. Ultrasound.