
Barranca del Muerto 520, Los Alpes, Álvaro Obregón, C.P.01010, Ciudad de México, México


(+52) 55 9171 9570

Revista Virtual Individual

Autores: Brayan Sarango, Fernando M. Ferraro, Rosa Ramos, Jorgelina Conte, Adriana García

La videodeglución es un estudio fisiológico y en tiempo real que, al momento, no tiene reemplazo por otra modalidad. Ofrece información relevante sobre el sistema estomatognático del paciente, así como sobre la estructura y la funcionalidad orofaríngea y esofágica. Este estudio cuenta con distintas fases (oral, faríngea y esofágica) en las que se analizan diversas estructuras, así como la funcionalidad de estas a través de degluciones inducidas de diferentes consistencias (semisólido, líquido, sólido). Las patologías que pueden encontrarse son múltiples, siendo algunas de las más frecuentes la disfunción del músculo cricofaríngeo, la penetración/aspiración en la vía aérea, los divertículos y la acalasia. Resulta fundamental su ejecución con una técnica correcta, conociendo previamente la sintomatología, el motivo por el cual fue indicada, la anatomía de las estructuras/cavidades y la fisiología de la deglución. Por lo tanto, una adecuada técnica en la ejecución de la videodeglución y el conocimiento preliminar de la anatomía y la fisiología, así como de los hallazgos y patologías más frecuentes, son fundamentales para una adecuada evaluación del paciente y una correcta interpretación de las imágenes.


Video swallowing is a physiological and real-time study that, at the moment, cannot be replaced by another modality. It offers relevant information about the patient’s stomatognathic system, as well as the oropharyngeal and esophageal structure and function. This study has different phases (oral, pharyngeal and esophageal) where various structures are analyzed, as well as their functionality through induced objects of different consistencies (semi-solid, liquid and solid). The pathologies that can be found are multiple, some of the most frequent being dysfunction of the cricopharyngeal muscle, penetration/aspiration into the airway, diverticula and achalasia. Its execution with a correct technique is fundamental, knowing previously the symptomatology, reason for which it was indicated, the anatomy of the structures/cavities and the physiology of swallowing. Therefore, an adequate technique in the execution of video swallowing and preliminary knowledge of anatomy and physiology, as well as the most frequent findings and pathologies, are fundamental for a correct evaluation of the patient and interpretation of the images.


Video swallowing is a physiological and real-time study that, at the moment, cannot be replaced by another modality. It offers relevant information about the patient’s stomatognathic system, as well as the oropharyngeal and esophageal structure and function. This study has different phases (oral, pharyngeal and esophageal) where various structures are analyzed, as well as their functionality through induced objects of different consistencies (semi-solid, liquid and solid). The pathologies that can be found are multiple, some of the most frequent being dysfunction of the cricopharyngeal muscle, penetration/aspiration into the airway, diverticula and achalasia. Its execution with a correct technique is fundamental, knowing previously the symptomatology, reason for which it was indicated, the anatomy of the structures/cavities and the physiology of swallowing. Therefore, an adequate technique in the execution of video swallowing and preliminary knowledge of anatomy and physiology, as well as the most frequent findings and pathologies, are fundamental for a correct evaluation of the patient and interpretation of the images.