
Barranca del Muerto 520, Los Alpes, Álvaro Obregón, C.P.01010, Ciudad de México, México


(+52) 55 9171 9570

Revista Virtual Individual

Autores: Ichiro Suzuki,Shigeru Kozima,Libardo J. Arrieta-Gómez, María V. Feldman-Garay, Claudia Riboldi, Federico Giachello, Raúl Solerno,Ricardo A. Sarmiento, Emilio G. Quiñonez, Marcelo E. Lenz-Virreira, Francisco J. Mattera

Evaluar y describir la prevalencia de variantes anatómicas arteriales hepáticas observadas en una serie multicéntrica de pacientes con patologías hepatobiliares.

Estudio retrospectivo de anatomía arterial según la clasificación de Michels de angiografías digitales y tomografías computadas helicoidales abdominales realizadas entre febrero de 2009 y diciembre de 2020 en tres hospitales del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires

Se incluyeron 275 pacientes en el estudio. Edad mediana 58,5 años. Sexo masculino 73,1%. Variante anatómica tipo 1 (normal) de la arteria hepática en 192 casos (69.8%); tipo 2 en 18 casos (6.5%); tipo 3 en 19 casos (6.9%); tipo 4 en 7 casos (2.5%); tipo 5 en 4 casos (1.5%); tipo 6 en 3 casos (1.1%); tipo 7 en 2 casos (0.7%); tipo 8 en 7 casos (2.5%); tipo 9 en 17 casos (6.2%) y otros tipos fuera de la clasificación de Michels en 6 casos (2.2%). También hallamos la presentación de 3 casos (1.1%) con arco de Bühler

En nuestra serie se observaron variantes anatómicas no clásicas de la arteria hepática aproximadamente en un tercio de los casos. El conocimiento de las variantes anatómicas fue esencial para los procedimientos radiológicos y quirúrgicos en el tratamiento de tumores hepáticos, determinando la técnica de abordaje de las arterias involucradas.

Palabras clave:
Anatomía. Arteria hepática. Angiografía. Tomografía. Radiología intervencionista.


To evaluate and describe the prevalence of hepatic artery anatomical variants observed in a multicenter series of patients with hepatobiliary pathologies.

Retrospective study of arterial anatomy according to Michels classification of digital angiographies and abdominal helical computed tomography performed between February 2009 and December 2020 in three hospitals of the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area.

275 patients were included in the study. Median age 58.5 years. Male sex 73.1%. Type 1 (normal) variant of hepatic artery anatomy in 192 cases (69.8%); type 2 in 18 cases (6.5%); type 3 in 19 cases (6.9%); type 4 in 7 cases (2.5%); type 5 in 4 cases (1.5%); type 6 in 3 cases (1.1%); type 7 in 2 cases (0.7%); type 8 in 7 cases (2.5%); type 9 in 17 cases (6.2%), and other types out Michels classification in 6 cases (2.2%). We also found 3 cases (1.1%) with Bühler’s arch.

In our series, non-classical anatomical variants of the hepatic artery were observed in approximately one third of cases. Knowledge of anatomical variants was essential for radiological and surgical procedures in the treatment of liver tumors, determining the approach technique of the arteries involved.

Palabras clave:
Anatomy. Hepatic artery. Angiography. Tomography. Interventional radiology


To evaluate and describe the prevalence of hepatic artery anatomical variants observed in a multicenter series of patients with hepatobiliary pathologies.

Retrospective study of arterial anatomy according to Michels classification of digital angiographies and abdominal helical computed tomography performed between February 2009 and December 2020 in three hospitals of the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area.

275 patients were included in the study. Median age 58.5 years. Male sex 73.1%. Type 1 (normal) variant of hepatic artery anatomy in 192 cases (69.8%); type 2 in 18 cases (6.5%); type 3 in 19 cases (6.9%); type 4 in 7 cases (2.5%); type 5 in 4 cases (1.5%); type 6 in 3 cases (1.1%); type 7 in 2 cases (0.7%); type 8 in 7 cases (2.5%); type 9 in 17 cases (6.2%), and other types out Michels classification in 6 cases (2.2%). We also found 3 cases (1.1%) with Bühler’s arch.

In our series, non-classical anatomical variants of the hepatic artery were observed in approximately one third of cases. Knowledge of anatomical variants was essential for radiological and surgical procedures in the treatment of liver tumors, determining the approach technique of the arteries involved.

Palabras clave:
Anatomy. Hepatic artery. Angiography. Tomography. Interventional radiology