
Barranca del Muerto 520, Los Alpes, Álvaro Obregón, C.P.01010, Ciudad de México, México


(+52) 55 9171 9570

Revista Virtual Individual

Autores: Jesús D. Venegas, Juan C. Ruiz-Jaureguizuria, Aurora Ferrero-Collado y Jimena Pedrosa

Las masas pélvicas quísticas son un hallazgo frecuente en las diferentes pruebas de imagen. En ocasiones, determinar su origen es dificultoso, sobre todo en el sexo femenino. Sin embargo, la historia clínica y las diferentes pruebas de imagen pueden ayudar a una correcta aproximación diagnóstica. Nuestro propósito es mostrar diferentes diagnósticos diferenciales de lesiones pélvicas quísticas de origen no ginecológico estudiadas en nuestro hospital.


Cystic pelvic masses are a frequent finding in different imaging tests. It is sometimes difficult to determine their origin, especially in females. However, the clinical history and the different imaging tests can help in a correct diagnostic approach. Our aim is to show different differential diagnoses of cystic pelvic lesions of non-gynecological origin studied in our hospital.


Cystic pelvic masses are a frequent finding in different imaging tests. It is sometimes difficult to determine their origin, especially in females. However, the clinical history and the different imaging tests can help in a correct diagnostic approach. Our aim is to show different differential diagnoses of cystic pelvic lesions of non-gynecological origin studied in our hospital.