
Barranca del Muerto 520, Los Alpes, Álvaro Obregón, C.P.01010, Ciudad de México, México


(+52) 55 9171 9570

Revista Virtual Individual

Autores: Manuela Restrepo-Gómez, Tatiana Arroyave-Peña, Paula Mesa-Martinez, Ricardo Uribe-González y M. Katherine Florez-Leguía

Las lesiones en las glándulas adrenales, en su mayoría, son detectadas de forma incidental a partir de imágenes diagnósticas. Una vez identificada una lesión adrenal, es necesario valorar si es hormonalmente funcionante o no funcionante para guiar el tratamiento y el seguimiento. Las características semiológicas por imagen de estas lesiones permiten clasificarlas y distinguir cuáles son probablemente benignas o, por el contrario, cuáles tienen características de malignidad. Se propone una revisión del tema con las principales lesiones adrenales y cómo identificarlas a partir de imágenes diagnósticas.


Lesions in the adrenal glands are mostly an incidental finding. Once an adrenal lesion has been identified, it is necessary to assess whether it is hormonally functioning or non-functioning to guide treatment and follow-up. The semiological characteristics of these lesions by imaging allow them to be classified and to distinguish which are probably benign or, on the contrary, which have malignant characteristics. A review of the main adrenal lesions and how to identify them on diagnostic images is proposed.


Lesions in the adrenal glands are mostly an incidental finding. Once an adrenal lesion has been identified, it is necessary to assess whether it is hormonally functioning or non-functioning to guide treatment and follow-up. The semiological characteristics of these lesions by imaging allow them to be classified and to distinguish which are probably benign or, on the contrary, which have malignant characteristics. A review of the main adrenal lesions and how to identify them on diagnostic images is proposed.